The Lord's Prayer

Our Father, which art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done,
in earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive them that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
[For thine is the kingdom,
the power, and the glory,
for ever and ever.]

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas Greetings

Dear Friends,
I have been sitting looking at an empty screen for a
couple of minutes now, I am not certain about the greeting I am
sending. "Ho Ho Ho" is apparently politically incorrect now and I don't
feel all that "Merry", this year. How is one to really begin a
Christmas greeting?
The answer for me, is thank you and thank God. As I take stock at this Christmas season I am aware of just how
time, I see how blessed I am by having such a dear family and precious friends.

Many of you, along with me, have experienced tremendous loss this year
and Christmas can be less than jolly. I have just received Aunt Fran's
Christmas news-letter and I am reminded of the home-going on Uncle Alf,
and Aunt Hannah's passing,as well. I cannot forget Papa Vozoris, either. Of course my own
precious Father is celebrating his first Christmas with Jesus too. How
great a celebration it will be when we are all together again and with
As I think back over this past year I am amazed at how
many goodbyes I have said, in more ways than one. However, I have also
been reminded of how many "hellos" there have been and continue to be.

So as I think about sending you greetings at this season, I am truly
reminded of how precious life is and that people come and go in our
lives for short seasons and that we need to hold them dearly when
we have them and then freely let them go when the season is over. Where
we are "heading" as Christians is even more precious for there will
come a day when we are never, tangibly speaking let go, by God. As we
celebrate, in whatever way, this Christmas we are reminded of the time
when the Second Member of the Trinity "let go" of His glory and came to
be with us for a while. Therefore, my greeting is, keep hoping, looking and
praying for He will come again.
Merry Christmas to all

Monday, December 10, 2007

Wednesday December 5, 2007 My Last Day at Seminary

I was convinced that I would be in tears all day, but really it was rather uneventful.
I did have a great time getting my hair and makeup done, to have my grad photos taken. And of course there was meeting up with Lara and spending time with her-which was meaningful. We had a fun time getting our photos taken and there is a funny story about her wearing my white dress shirt!

Kristen did pick,me up and I was so glad to see her. Also, Adele was in a late meeting about her upcoming Africa trip, so she was there too. Good way to end.
I saw Karen and cried a little with her, but mostly we screamed across campus "I am done Seminary", at the tops of our lungs (alright I did most of the screaming). Grabbed a bite of dinner and then went home. Thanks Kristen, for who you are!!

I did feel a terrible sense of loss, but as I have continued writing final papers I simply have not had the time to think about it. I am sure, closer to Christmas (which is always difficult for me) the tears will grow, until then my last two finals are calling.
The photo is of the East Lecture room-my final classroom!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Last Day of Seminary

I feel like I am on the verge of tears and yet I have this strange peace. Today is a busy day starting with 4 appointments one after another. So I simply don't have time to cry. Tonight Kristen has promised to drive me home-so I won't be so alone. I was a little afraid to walk down those steps for the last time and have no around to say good bye with. I am so thankful for Kristen's drive on Tuesday nights. It is bad enough getting out so late, but good to be home by 11PM.
Kristen is going to make a great pastor and I wish her all the best.
As for Adele she is heading off to South Africa for nearly six months-bad timing for me, but great for her.

Going to get my grad photos done, that is exciting and then off to my last class.

So, willsee tomorrow how I feel when I wake up and am no longer a seminarian. I am.....
REALLY THE ONLY THING I KNOW TODAY IS THAT GOD LOVES ME, I AM HIS CHILD. Am I screaming? Maybe if I scream loud enough I'll believe it myself!

Seminary Count Down Day 2

Lots of tears today
Lots of good byes
Lots of moments where I think this has all been some colossal mistake. God, cannot really mean me, be pastor?

I have a feeling tomorrow will be rather normal and I will walk out feeling "Okay , done, good job now on to"........
P.S. only three papers left

Sunday, December 2, 2007

2 Days to go and 4 more papers

I don't think it is real, this idea of finishing school-I feel like I am in a dream which is slowly turning into a nightmare-My final papers are exhausting, but I am getting there and all I have to do is get through two more days of school. I think I am going to feel weird on Thursday, when I wake up and know I am supposed to do something and I have nothing to do. Oh yeah get a job!
Well start praying that the Lord opens up where it is I am suppose to serve.
These next few days are going to be interesting!
At least I will have more time to get back into reading N.T. Wright and of course John Piper's new book. Ah, the life of a theologian, ah, I mean pastor, whatever that means!!