The Lord's Prayer

Our Father, which art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done,
in earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive them that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
[For thine is the kingdom,
the power, and the glory,
for ever and ever.]

Friday, July 9, 2010

Mercy Me

I want to close our series on mercy with thanksgiving. First and foremost to God who continually shows me mercy and who has shown me lately some areas in my life where I have not given Him my complete heart. I am thankful for the ways in which God entrusts His other kids to me even though I mess up all the time. i am thankful for the Gospel stories that tell me and teach me about Jesus and His way of mercy. Jesus taught on mercy (Matt. 5:7; 9:13; 23:23). He is described as having compassion (Matt. 9:36; 15:32; 23:37; Luke 7:13) and was so filled with mercy that He wept (John 11:35). And who can forget the Good Samaritan? It is one of the most classic stories ever told on the subject of mercy (Luke 10:30-37).
I am thankful for the folks at Gathering Spot who continually teach me how to love even in difficult situations. They show mercy to strangers and marginalized folks in a way that is completely supernatural.

I am very much aware that the dark season I had lived in, (see Psalm 88)all of last year, is now behind me and so to the restful time, in coming out of the dark season is finished. I am now in a terrific season of trust and because of this the devils attacks have been immense. Just recently, I received an email from a dear friend, whom I trust and love. The email was to indicate that a project he and I were to work on had fallen through. I immediately knew the reason had to do with another person, who in the past has had difficulty with me (perhaps with reason) and now my friend who sent the email was no longer involved in a project he was interested in. I have experienced guilt over this and for a few days have seriously considered giving up my dear friendship so I do not cause him more hardship. More importantly though is the realization that I really have not forgiven this other person, as much as I had thought I had. In the past time with this person was very difficult for me and I even hated him for a long time. I do not hate him now and actually I know I have forgiven him because when I see him my stomach is no longer in knots and I genuinely want the best for him. But there was a moment last week when my thoughts were not good towards him and God spoke to me saying, Pamela I have shown you mercy-I have granted you mercy, I have forgiven your sins, what do you need to do now? Of course God is right, I now need to offer him mercy and to try and see things from his perspective.
Keeping our definition in mind (mercy is not receiving from God, what I deserve, punishment) God was once again probing me to be more like Him. He did not chastise me for my thoughts, but He made me aware of how easy it is to forget and to be merciless. This is a lesson I do not wish to forget.
As we continue in life may we give great thanks to God for His mercy and may we continue to offer it to all those we encounter, even in our darkest most difficult days and especially when our past comes back to haunt us.
Mercy Me,

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