Sometimes, life can seem very overwhelming. I am in one of those times and yet, the things that are going on around me and affecting me are very good things. Still, they are overwhelming.
For the past several months I have been in a "state of Grace". God has been very present, but right now He seems hard to find. I am sure He is still very present and that it is I that have turned away.
However, I have learned in life is that there is a time to speak and a time to be silent. Good pastors know this.
When I sit with a friend who is hurting, I sometimes just sit, knowing my being there is enough. There are no words to heal deep hurts and often we need to be there just to make "tea", not to offer advice or try to fix the problem. We need to be able to quietly take their hand and just sit, connected in silence.
This is not easy, but it can be mastered. And it points to a fact about our Heavenly Father too, He does sit quietly beside us, not fixing us. He is just still, offering us His types of tea. So perhaps, after all I am wrong when I say "He is hard to find". I am trusting He is right here beside me, breathing in the aroma of fresh tea, waiting until my fear and lament have ended. He is gently holding my hand being respectful of my pain. When we begin to see God as friend, like the way Jesus called us friends, then we can let go of trying to quickly escape all of the overwhelming stuff and just be. I am still in a state of Grace, but I have learned I must sit down into that Grace, when it is offered.
Prayer: Father of Jesus, Almighty God Creator of the Heavens and the Earth,
Come into our midst quietly and gently. Sit with us while we have some tea. Thank you for your grace and mercy and compassion. Thank you for all the good things and the victory over the bad ones. Thank you for your love.
Take great care of my family and friends this week, whom are really struggling.
Thank you for a great church community,
Thank you for a good Seminary to go to, so I can learn about you.
And this may seem strange to some, but Father thank you for creating me. Thanks for all my talents and skills and gifts. Thanks for making me
In Jesus name, I ask these things and pronounce your eternal glory.
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