The Lord's Prayer

Our Father, which art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done,
in earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive them that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
[For thine is the kingdom,
the power, and the glory,
for ever and ever.]

Monday, May 12, 2014

Megan's Baptism- so proud of my cousin

A blessed time guest Preaching at Cambridge Street Baptist April 2014

Life Changes

April 12th  One year ago today our lives changed forever-- Uncle Don died suddenly and unexpectedly altering aunty pam's life forever- paul was fired from his job, while recovering from surgery and in mutual agreement with the deacons I left the church i was serving as minister. WOW, when God moves he moves fast. Now 1 year later we are stronger in our faith in Jesus and loving each other- we are blessed to have aunty live with us and we are blessed to care for her. We are all blessed because Victoria is growing into a lovely Christian girl who tells people Jesus is up and will come down and get her. Yeah God !!!! Thank you Jesus for your goodness through all of our grief we are looking forward to new adventures after a year of serious grief and terrible changes.

Praying for friends

Most Holy God, tonight I go to bed thanking you for caring for my daughter and I know there are many others that go to bed with worries and fright. Some are sick and stressed. Others are facing huge mountains and are overwhelmed and some are facing death head on. So tonight my prayers are for them, bless them and keep them, shine your light of mercy, grace, and forgiveness upon them. Heal the brokenhearted and draw close to all those who fear. Father, as we remember how you passed over the houses of your faithful ones , we ask that you give us that same faith. We thank you for jesus whose blood was shed for all-turn our hearts to your son who invites all into life abundant with him. thank you for your tender love to us and grant us peaceful sleep. Father, you know my friends who are in serious need tonight, be with them , be close and may they hear your calm voice of love, in Jesus name amen

Missing Mom

Hey mom, as another mother's day roles around i can't help but miss you. I remember all those other mother's day when i woke you up early with a terrible breakfast, glue covered cards and flowers which were weeds-ha ha, but you were a gracious mom and hugged and kissed me and i knew i made you smile- Now, after so many years of infertility God has given me a precious daughter and you are not here to know her-that breaks my heart! I want you to know I am doing the best I can and Victoria is a happy, healthy and glue covered kid like i was- Thank you for teaching me about what it means to be a mom in a Christ centered family-You were the best mom and if I can be half as good as you, Victoria will grow to trust God and make her mommy terrible breakfasts in bed too, on the day we celebrate and honour moms! This year marks 14 years where I have been motherless, but I know you are with Jesus, so you and I are never alone. Thank you for teaching me how to live well even though you are not here and my prayer is that Victoria will learn from me all the important loving things that she will need to grow to be a Godly mom too that I learned from you. Happy Mother's Day to all!